The Spanish Association of Telecommunication Engineers (AEIT) has organized the Euro Med Telco Forum 2016. A two days event about “ICT innovations in shipping and Smart Port Management in the Mediterranean Area”, 22-23 April in Valencia (Spain)The Euro Med Telco Forum (EMTF) is a collaborative group formed by the associations of telecommunication or ICT engineers of Greece, Italy and Spain within the framework of FITCE (Federation of National Associations of ICT & Media Professionals). Currently EMTF has focused its main objective to promote a strengthen collaboration in joint innovation projects and/or R&D, for which they have been proposed up and finding partners in specific projects with professionals, universities and companies with the respective associations have agreements.
In this two days event we have chosen maritime traffic and smart ports as the main topic to promote the collaboration and partnerships to develop R&D projects that could fix in the European calls of the framework of Horizon 2020. We want to join representative bodies of the three countries, port authorities, research organizations, universities, companies and ICT professionals to share their projects and initiatives in order to reach partnerships and promote ICT projects in the Mediterranean basin.
Port of Valencia is one of the most important ports of the Mediterranean basin and it’s the perfect place to meet to talk about maritime traffic.
Friday, 22 April - Valencia Port (Muelle del Turia Avenue, Valencia)
Guided tour of the Port of Valencia
José García, IT manager of Port Authority of Valencia
Sergio Goterris, president Valencian Association of Telecommunication Engineers (AEIT)
Andrea Penza, president Society Aeit per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione e delle Comunicazioni (AICT)
Miguel Merino, member of the board of the Spanish Association of Telecommunication Engineers (AEIT)
Conference Innovation in Smart Ports
The solutions will be presented at this panel innovation, will show recent advances in the application of ICT in port and shipping environments, under a new concept of Smart Ports.
FIWARE Platform. Smart Ports, Experiences - Juan José Hierro, TelefónicaFIWARE Platform. Smart Ports, Experiences - Antonio Torralba, Telefónica
Spatial resources in ports of the future - Sebastián Catolfi, Hisdesat
H2020. Inter - IoT - Carlos Palau, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Unified communications - José Sampere, Nunsys
Lunch break
Panel 1: Innovative ICT solutions in Logistics and transport, including infrastructures.
In a logistics sector with highly increased collaboration, intermodal and dynamic re-routing of freight, there is a need to exploit ICT advances such as Internet-of-Things, big data, new satellite navigation infrastructure and Intelligent Transport Systems with changes in business needs.
Smart Transport - Miguel Llop, Fundación Valenciaport
HABITAT - HArBour traffIc opTimizAtion sysTem - Daniele Staglianò/Stefano Lischi, University of Pisa; CNIT (University of Rome) (Italy)
Enabling electric shore power in the Mediterranean: the Port of Trieste feasibility - Giorgio Sulligoi, University of Trieste/ Port of Trieste (Italy)
Panel 2: Innovative ICT solutions for the Port of the Future.
Ports are essential for the European economy as a global player and for the internal market. Specific issues (like dredging, emission reductions, and energy transition, incl. electrification, smart grids, and the use of renewables management and emissions) are combined with other challenges common to all multi-modal terminals.
ICT solutions for more efficient maintenence and management processes in ports - Felipe Gil/Manuel Dorado, Gradiant
Smart Port: successes experiences from Atlantic side Ports - Jesús Díaz, CITIC
Enabling Use of unnamed vehicles to improve Port of the Future operation - Sebastián Pantoja, TELEVÉS
Coffee Break
Panel 3: Data analytics and data fusion for maritime security.
The management of risks in the international supply chain ensuring the security (and safety) of EU residents, the protection of the financial and economic interests of the EU, facilitating legitimate trade. The "EU Strategy and Action Plan for customs risk management" drafts a strategy and an action plan for improving customs risk management and supply chain security.
Remote sensing and augmented virtuality technologies for detection, identification and environmental risks in ports areas - José Fco. López Feliciano Universidad de las Palmas/Universidad Castilla La Mancha
Evaluating risks in Maritime Transportation Systems - Vassiliki Kazantzi, Technological Education Institute of Thessaly (Greece)
Event dinner at Hotel Santos Las Arenas (Eugenia Viñes 22-24, Valencia)
Saturday, 23 April - Hotel Santos Las Arenas (Eugenia Viñes 22-24, Valencia)
Networking and matching A space in which the different companies, universities and professionals could talk and establish partnerships